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Teams - AEAH

Last updated: 30-06-2022

AEAH Porto

Silva Maria da Graca, Lima Manuel, Maria de Fatima Roxo Gama


AEAH is a cluster of nine schools (six primary with kindergarden , two middle schools and a secondary one).

It is located in Oporto downtown where a population decrease is verified . We are a reference school for students with special needs (handicapped, authists and deaf students).

We offer a variety of courses : Humanities, Sciences, Vocacional ones (in the area of tourism.

On account of migration, we are multicultural cluster of schools and we offer day and evening classes of Portuguese Language to foreign students coming from several countries.

We celebrate many protocols with some entities: Oporto University, Oporto Town Hall, Catholic and Lusófona universities( private ones).

Along the last twenty years , the cluster has had a lot of experiencies related to International Projects ( Comenius and Erasmus plus).

In these partenerships, we have dealt with themes such as:  Environement, Multiculturalism, Entrepreneurship, Migration and Human Rights.

The participation of students and teachers in these projects contributed to broaden their minds about  cultural and social realities, enabling in this way their general building particularly in the field of sensibilisation to the economical, ethenical , linguistic and cultural differences, in a logico g a strtegy to the empowerment of the Europeen Identity feeling, sharing a common europeen place.

By working with a thematical migration we managed to configure ourselves as a country not only of emigrants but also as one of immigrants. Currentely we have students from Ucrania, Marocco,India, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Ruusia, Romania, Bulgaria, China and Turkey.

Our teachers have growing colaborative work to prepare young people to the future in a dynamic citizenship exercise. So equity, inclusion and social responsibility are principles that direct our mission.